Leyes Media CEO Kevin Leyes, The 20-Year-Old Self-Made Millionaire Entrepreneur

Kevin Leyes

Social media and digital platforms in general are increasingly valuable and necessary. Recently, we have seen how this tool has gone from being a mere entertainment to a real fundamental source of work. In Leyes Media, they know well the scope of this type of technology and they know how to take advantage of the platforms.

Leyes Media is recognized as one of the most prominent and fastest-growing digital marketing agencies today, currently on the road to become a multi-million dollar bootstrapped company. Since its creation in 2019, it has favorably achieved its main objectives, being an influential reference in the social media industry, managing to expand in the times of COVID-19.

Without having a perfect life, CEO of this company, Kevin Leyes, has managed to turn his ideas into great business opportunities. A humble and somewhat complicated life was not enough to stop this young Argentinean from Pontevedra, Merlo and born in Gonzalez Catán from starting the path to make his ideas a reality.

Leyes has been recently awarded as one of the 10 Outstanding Young Persons of Buenos Aires in 2020 by JCI (Junior Chamber International) for the category of Commercial, Economic and Business achievements, as the Youngest Official Member of the Forbes Business Council and Young Entrepreneur Council, and he has been decorated several times by representing Argentina in foreign countries and designed as a Youth Ambassador by the US Embassy in Argentina and the US Department of State.

Initially, Leyes Media was only focused on helping artists and entrepreneurs to boost their digital presences on social media, turning them into leaders in their industries.

Expansion during the pandemic

After some time of development and execution in the international digital market, Leyes Media ventured to work with other varieties of services through the agency. This company currently covers three fundamental main areas: Social Media Marketing, Public Relations, and finally, Talent Management and Development.

“Although the COVID-19 has affected many people around the world in business matters, for our company, it has brought extensive benefits. We have managed to expand, and have hired dozens of new employees, this also translates into an improvement never seen before.

The adoption of an attitude of self-improvement and resilience has promoted expansion. At the same time, our company has provided the opportunity to work to many new people who were in crisis”, mentioned CEO Kevin Leyes.

By creators, for creators

Leyes Media seeks to help build its clients a lasting footprint for the modern era of digital creators. For this reason, this company is managed by a team with extensive experience in the area of content creation.

As an example, his CEO Kevin Leyes, is a celebrity entrepreneur that amasses a total network of 10 million followers through different social media profiles on all platforms. This magic is applied to the clients, helping them to build and boost their social media profiles, also securing talents’ partnerships with premium brands and companies.

Strategies + advice = success

The transmission of values, two-way communication and authenticity are very important for the success of a venture, they can even be more relevant than creating ads without content that generates a positive impact on followers.

Leyes Media considers influencer marketing really important, and partnering popular and digital stars with a large number of followers with companies that want to make their products known is one of the best options provided to talents managed by this agency. 

“We currently have a wide and consolidated range of clients, to whom we provide advice, so that they obtain exceptional results through constant learning

In this environment, it is imperative to remain at the forefront with constant progress and learning, and encouraging our clients and partners to take advantage of current technological tools to ensure the positive evolution of their companies”, concluded Kevin Leyes.


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