Spanish Startup Gocoworker Announces Largest Liquidity Mining Program


Gocoworker is a Distributed Autonomous Organisation for Talents, leader in communal work, for sustainable jobs. 

The first Gocoworker liquidity mining program is going live on both Uniswap and Balancer: to reward ETH-GOCO liquidity providers!

Creating partnerships with leading automated market makers is a self-evident strategy due to the common approach towards a distributed world. DeFi protocol facilitates instant tokens exchanges without relying on third parties.

By rewarding GOCO’s liquidity providers, Gocoworker aims to bootstrap the necessary liquidity to minimize costs/slippage and build long-term value for the ecosystem.

The Much Awaited Liquidity Mining Program

The liquidity rewards program will commence on 1 March, 2021, at 12 am UTC, over forty-two weeks, and will end on 20 December, 2021, at 12 am UTC.

10% of the tokens offered during this crowdsale will be distributed as a reward to the liquidity providers of the following eligible pools:

– Uniswap ETH-GOCO Pool: 1,050,000 GOCO (to 25,000 GOCO/week)

– Balancer ETH-GOCO Pool: 210,000 GOCO (to 5,000 GOCO/week)

GOCO rewards are calculated per address in proportion to the supply of liquidity tokens within the smart contract and time staked. This is in addition to trading fees earned directly through decentralised protocols.

The Crowdsale, the Most Momentous in Europe

The current Presale will end on 12 May 2021. 10% of the tokens are distributed at a price of 0.1 ETH with an automated referral program, a world first.

The Token Sale will take place from 12 May 2021 to 17 December 2021. 50% of the tokens will be distributed, over 250 periods of 21 hours, prorated based on the total ETH collected during each period. 

A distributed and secure solution is implemented whereby contributions and rewards are managed directly through smart contracts. 

Everyone can join the movement to be free together!

For more information, visit:

Media Contacts

Stéphane HUET, Laurent GARCIA,


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