Napoli Pizzeria Gains Attraction To Their True 30” Pizza As Others Lose Customers Over Their Dishonesty


My attention was recently drawn to an Instagram post advising people to measure their 30″ pizza because certain pizzerias in town were lying and selling 28″ pizza and charging for the price of a 30″ pizza. Further inquiry about this had to be done. 

In order for me to investigate this claim and not believe in hearsays, I ordered a 30″ pizza from one of their competitors  and to my utmost surprise, the claim was true, as it was a 28″ pizza as opposed to the 30″ pizza I ordered and paid for. This further buttressed the claim that they have been lying to all of their customers and passing off a 28″ pizza as a 30″ pizza for years. How awful that certain pizzerias could be so comfortable at cheating people out of their hard-earned money and not getting the value for what they paid for.

Needless to say I ordered a 30” pizza from Napoli Pizzeria and I got exactly what I paid for a 30” pizza. Not only that, to my shock they had a 36” pizza as well! Way to up their game. Disclaimer for their 36” is that you need double doors to accept. The dough was perfect and the toppings were fresh. Well done Napoli Pizzeria. 

Below is the link to the initial post I saw that made me investigate this.

Below is the link to Napoli Pizzeria website, a place where you can trust your order since 2005.

I don’t mean to discredit particular pizza places but it is shameful and unfair that pizzerias would pass off a 28″ pizza as a 30″ because they don’t have the boxes or tools for the 30″ pizza. I think everyone should measure their 30” pizza before they “fix their situation.”

Conclusively, I will only be ordering from the place I can trust Napoli Pizzeria who care about their establishment, customers and quality of food. Not others who are looking to cheat their customers for a quick buck.

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Name: Lauren Miller

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