To Help Small Minority Businesses With Funding Felicia Jeffries Launches Biz Credit Movement

Felicia Jeffries

Every small business owner gets a clear glimpse at the silver lining every time a funding option they can count on to support their business stands up. Some of the things they should look out for is how much support the avenue provides them aside from funding. Business owners wouldn’t mind a little bit of expert advice here and there to tread the unstable waters in business.

The rate of unemployment is on the rise and many new business ideas are being generated across different thresholds of the American economy. There is an inherent need to cough up viable solutions to the problems facing society and small businesses. Moore Financial Services based in Texas is one of the key players expected to provide solutions to these problems. Small businesses offer a cheaper and relatively accessible solution to many problems and there is a necessity to key into that. However, the problem of inadequate financial support facing new businesses affects the integrity of their ideas and products. Existing funding options do not provide an easy enough module for small businesses to access funds and fund major promotions that will push their products and services into the market.

Felicia Jeffries is the founder of Moore Financial Services.

She has established a fairly new initiative committed to providing support to business and access to funding for small businesses tagged the Biz Credit Movement. After spending some time working as a paralegal dealing with business, bankruptcy, and personal injury law, this is her way of giving back to the community. She has quite the portfolio of experiences —good and bad— that have plagued her business venture. This was what pushed the idea; she committed to seeing it become a reality to create a network that provides solid support for small businesses across all industries.

The Biz Credit Movement is an initiative meant to provide extensive support for small business owners. Business owners are able to sign up for a yearly membership which will give them access to the tools they need to ultimately get funding as well as obtain contracts from the government and private entities. This movement is primed to help business owners succeed against all odds.

The adoption of agents to oversee the effectiveness of the many small businesses that subscribe to the membership of the Biz Credit Movement is a beautiful idea that boasts success in assisting current and future members. It will go a long way in assisting with the success of many  businesses and give them the tools to access funding for operations and growth. More information can be found at:


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